UFW for dynamic domains
How to open a port when your domain changes IP
I have a server online that I only ever access from home, and I use UFW to firewall it. It’s a little tricky to firewall it though, because my IP changes fairly regularly. I’ve set up dynamic DNS at home, but it’s not possible to set a firewall rule based on the domain, only based on an IP address.
This script runs on a regular cron-job on my server, and solves the issue nicely:
# fix_firewall.py
import subprocess
import sys
def run_command(command):
command = command.split()
return subprocess.run(command, check=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout
def get_remote_ip_address(domain):
stdout = run_command(f'host {domain}')
return stdout.strip().rsplit(maxsplit=1)[-1].decode()
def get_firewalled_ip_and_rule_number(port):
stdout = run_command('ufw status numbered')
for line in stdout.decode().splitlines():
if f'{port}/tcp' in line:
number, *_, ip = line.rsplit(maxsplit=4)
return number.strip('[] '), ip
def remove_old_rule(rule_number):
run_command(f'ufw --force delete {rule_number}')
def add_new_rule(ip, port):
run_command(f'ufw allow from {ip} proto tcp to any port {port}')
if __name__ == '__main__':
_, domain, port = sys.argv
remote_ip = get_remote_ip_address(domain)
rule_number, firewalled_ip = get_firewalled_ip_and_rule_number(port)
if remote_ip != firewalled_ip:
print(f'Changing IP from {firewalled_ip} to {remote_ip}.')
add_new_rule(remote_ip, port)
This script has to be run as root
so that it can modify the firewall rules.
It’s run like this:
python3 fix_firewall.py my-domain.example.com 12345