Python package licences
How to determine the licence of your pip installed packages
Sometimes it’s handy to know the licences of your project’s dependancies. You
could check each entry in requirements.txt
one by one, but it’d be too easy
to miss out a nested dependancy. Also, if a project has a lot of dependancies,
it quickly becomes laborious. Don’t worry though, it’s easy to script, and I’ve
already done it for you:
from __future__ import print_function
from collections import defaultdict
from os.path import join
# The `pkg_resources` module isn't in the standard library,
# but it's frequently available anywhere the `setuptools`
# module is (it typically comes with `pip`).
import pkg_resources
licences = defaultdict(list)
# We go over each installed package:
for package in pkg_resources.working_set:
# Find the directory where the metadata is stored.
info_dir = package._provider.egg_info
if info_dir is None:
print('No data for {}'.format(package))
# Determine if the package is a wheel...
is_wheel = info_dir.endswith('.dist-info')
# ...and chose correct file.
filename = 'METADATA' if is_wheel else 'PKG-INFO'
filepath = join(info_dir, filename)
# We then loop over the lines in the file...
with open(filepath, 'r') as lines:
for line in sorted(lines):
# ...find the line that stores the license...
if (line.startswith('Classifier: License :: ') or
line.startswith('License: ')):
# ... and add the package to the list for it.
license = line.rsplit(': ')[-1].strip()
print('No data for {}'.format(package))
# Then all we have to do is print it out:
for licence, packages in licences.items():
for package in packages:
print('\t', package)
Note that this only works for packages where the correct information has been
added to the dependancy’s